Do you have an old or a damaged vessel that you want to transform into a stunning craft by giving it your personal touch? Well, you can start by following the steps we have shared here to help you restore your boat. A thorough preparation will ensure that your restoration process is smoother and you’ll be able to complete the task sooner than you thought.

As your local boat dealer in Missouri, we have compiled this guide to get you started. For more tips, or to get your concerns addressed, visit us at The Ski Shack. We are in Springfield, Branson, and Shell Knob, and happy to serve our friends in Nixa.

Should You Go Ahead with the Restoration?

To begin, spend some time assessing the condition of the craft. See if it is repairable in the first place. Look for signs that hint that the structure of the vessel may be rotten, or if it’s too damaged to be restored and used.

You may also want to evaluate its resale value by doing some thorough research. If you find that the cost of the restoration exceeds the market value of the boat, it may be a better idea to scrap this task instead.

Inspect the Craft

Now that you’re sure about going ahead with the restoration process, you may want to thoroughly inspect the vessel. If you’re not familiar with the history of the craft, refer to the maintenance records to see if it sustained any damage in the past, and if any extensive repairs were performed.

The records will also highlight any major problems that were previously there in the craft. Don’t try to restore a boat that may have electrical failure, critical glitches in the engine, and issues such as mold and rot. Avoid overburdening yourself with tasks that you cannot handle; stick to those that match your skills.

It is always advisable that you seek professional help to inspect the boat you intend on restoring. A technical expert or someone who has knowledge about restoring vintage vessels can help you identify red flags and may even assist you in the restoration.

Once you have compiled all the information you need for the restoration, go ahead and prioritize the repairs. List the major ones on top and don’t just focus on the aesthetics. Your boat will only become fully functional after you’ve fixed the entire structure including the internal systems.

Create a Place to Work

Boat restoration is not an easy task; it requires specific skills and tools for the purpose and can take several months to complete. Therefore, consider all the pros and cons while choosing a place to work. Here are some of the factors that you may want to consider.

  • Choose an enclosed space, such as a garage or a shed, where you and the restoration project will remain safe from the elements.
  • You may want your workspace closer to your home so that you can be regular with the repair sessions.
  • Ensure that you’ve got a steady source of power and water supply at the workspace. You may also need a reliable heating and cooling system to keep you comfortable.

Things You Will Need

While you are setting up the workspace, remember to equip it with the necessary tools, such as screwdrivers, pliers, pipe fittings, clamps, nuts and bolts, and sandpaper, among others. Don’t forget that you’ll also need goggles, gloves, and protective clothing.

If you need more boat restoration tips, head to The Ski Shack. Our service experts can address all your concerns and help you get started. We are in Springfield, Branson, and Shell Knob, MO, and happily serve our customers in Nixa.